Our Story...
On Sept. 27, 1885, 38 members of a local church in Bells, Tennessee started meeting in a schoolhouse and formed what is now Holly Grove Baptist Church. Over the years a plot of land was given to the church and in 1892 Holly Grove built its first church building. Over the years, buildings were torn down and new ones were added. In 1988 the last piece was added to Holly Grove Baptist Church when the Family Life Center (our gymnasium) and the upstairs classrooms were built. God has truly blessed Holly Grove over the years with many hard working and dedicated members working together to further his kingdom and minister to those in our community.

There has been close to 50 pastors who have served at Holly Grove over almost 140 years, and the Lord is not finished with Holly Grove! While styles and trends have come and gone our focus is and will continue to be on God and sharing the good news to those in our community- and the world! Many of our members have a long family history at Holly Grove. We are excited to continue to serve the Lord in West Tennessee. We who are living build Holly Grove’s future on those who faithfully served the Lord before us! "And on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it". -Matthew 16:18